Our Veterinary Service

Pet Soft Tissue & Orthopedic Surgery

Fairview Animal Hospital offers a wide range of surgical services for pets, including soft tissue surgery and orthopedic surgery.

Pet Surgery in Maryville, TN

Our highly trained and experienced veterinary surgeons are dedicated to providing the best possible care for your pet, and we offer a variety of options to suit your needs.

Pet Soft tissue & Orthopedic Surgery

At Fairview Animal Hospital, we offer both pet soft tissue surgery and orthopedic surgery for our patients in Maryville, TN. Soft tissue surgery includes procedures such as spays and neuters, as well as mass removals and gastrointestinal surgery. Orthopedic surgery involves procedures such as cruciate ligament repair, patellar luxation surgery, and fracture repair. We offer both types of surgery because we believe that every pet deserves access to quality care. Whether your pet needs a routine procedure or something more complex, you can rest assured that our team will provide the best possible care. If you have any questions about our surgical services, please don’t hesitate to contact us.